All the info you need to spot unhealthy behaviour, and what to do about it.
This guide is to help you understand the different types of abuse.
Sliding into DMs, online flirting and chatting via voice notes have become a popular way to meet new people and date online.
Always choose an adult that you trust and feel safe with.
Sexting is when someone sends sexually explicit messages, photos, or videos to someone else through their phone or other electronic devices.
If you feel unsafe or scared in your relationship, it is important to speak to someone and get help.
It can be difficult to spot when your relationship is becoming unhealthy, “toxic”, or abusive but there are some red-flag behaviours that you can look out for.
6 top tips to support a friend.
Know what you’re dealing with.
If your boyfriend or girlfriend is abusive it’s likely that they’ll use excuses to justify their hurtful behaviour.
You should always call 999 in an emergency. The police are available 24 hours a day.
What does coercive control even mean? Tia explains it all…
What to do, how to ask and why it’s important.
Everyone has arguments, but it can be more serious than that. Find out what to look out for.
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